The beast from the east
This blog comes to you from a very snowy UK. Predictably when a period of bad weather hits these shores, it creates a terrific amount of panic and the country grinds to a standstill for a couple of days.
A positive to come out of the ‘beast from the east’, have been several television reports advising the public to make sure you go through your cupboards and consume your cans due to their long shelf life, rather than using public transport to visit shops, which are understaffed due to the conditions we’re seeing. Perhaps there is a marketing message in there somewhere…
The deadline for our April issue is coming up fast, so anyone that hasn’t supplied information for our Cannex show preview, please submit this to me as soon as possible. Likewise, we’re still collating potential questions for our Candid Forum feature, so if there are any questions you would like to ask our expert panel then please do get in touch.
For those of you unaware of what the Candid Forum entails, then think roundtable discussion of industry experts, with a sizeable audience of industry experts. It’s one of our more popular features at our trade shows, so please do make the effort to attend if you’re in Milan in three weeks time.
Our March issue will be hitting desks very shortly, where Bell Publishing will be announcing details of ‘CanTech- The Grand Tour’ 2019. For now, my lips are sealed as to what this entails, but we have some very exciting developments going on at CanTech International. I look forward to receiving your feedback in due course.