Planet or Plastic?

This week I’ve been interested to read National Geographic’s new social media campaign entitled #PlanetorPlastic. With over 22 million followers on Twitter, the organisation has real scope to influence social debate and this latest campaign does just that.

National Geographic’s main target is US consumers, who reportedly purchase and use on average of one plastic bag per day. Compare this to Denmark, whose residents purchase only four per year, it certainly shows there is work to be done in the States.

Perhaps there is scope for the can making industry to work with organisations like National Geographic, to influence and dominate the agenda on plastic, and suggesting a viable alternative. Just a thought…

Pleasingly though, a few brands within the industry are looking to influence the debate; both Stolle and CarnaudMetalbox are appearing pretty active on social media, supporting campaigns like the above. So perhaps those within the trade are beginning to take note of how they can do their bit with the environmental debate.

After a busy few weeks, I’m looking forward to a week off to recharge the batteries. When I return I’ll be looking ahead to our Supplier Profile.

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