Detailing sustainable practice

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Nina Sumner explores the marketing benefits of ASI certification in the packaging industry


The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) certification is an international sustainability standards framework that ensures eco-conscious aluminium production at every stage of the value chain. For metal packaging manufacturers, ASI certification can be an effective way to demonstrate supply chain transparency and build trust and credibility with stakeholders. 

Although 66 per cent of B2B and industrial companies now prioritise sustainable packaging initiatives, just 30 per cent have defined ways to measure their sustainability efforts, a recent report from McKinsey & Company revealed. As ASI certification assesses businesses based upon their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, it provides companies with an easier way to improve and adhere to sustainable practices across the entire aluminium supply chain. 

Build trust and credibility 

ASI certification clearly demonstrates a commitment to responsible aluminium production, use, and recycling, which helps build trust and credibility with suppliers and/or stakeholders. In fact, almost 90 per cent of businesses who become ASI certified choose to do so as it clearly articulates their sustainable commitments and achievements, a recent ASI survey revealed. For these businesses, ASI certification is considered a ‘ticket-to-play’: a respected endorsement that ‘qualifies’ them to participate in markets that value sustainability and responsible sourcing practices. 

Similarly, stakeholder or customer expectation was the prime reason why over 70 per cent of ASI-certified businesses got their certification. It helps build a foundation of trust, which sets the stage for a long-term and successful business relationship. 

A lighter carbon footprint 

Climate change action is a key tenant of ASI certification and requires businesses to reduce carbon emissions in line with 1.5°C model pathways. This is another attractive marketing benefit that can make your company stand out to eco-conscious stakeholders or consumers who may be concerned about aluminium’s hefty carbon footprint. As it stands, the aluminium manufacturing process is one of the most emission-intensive industrial processes in operation as it generates as much as two per cent of all man-made carbon emissions. 

That said, aluminium is still an eco-friendly, infinitely-recyclable material set to shape the future of sustainable metal packaging. Global aluminium stakeholders recently set a goal of 100 per cent recycling by 2050 at the recent COP28 Climate Summit, while the current aluminium recycling rate in the UK and EU is around 72 per cent. 

Ensure supply chain transparency 

ASI certification also helps ensure supply chain transparency throughout the entire aluminium packaging lifecycle. The ASI Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard — a secondary certification designed to complement the initial ASI Performance standard — ‘sets out requirements for the flow of Chain of Custody (CoC) Material, including ASI Aluminium, through the value chain, with assurance of sustainable production at each link in the chain,’ the ASI website explained. 

The CoC certification is also designed to support supply chain due diligence as it allows you to quickly spot and assess instances of non-compliance in terms of sustainability standards and regulations, and then act upon them accordingly. 

Customers and transparency 

CoC-certified businesses are also free to make on-product claims to further assure customers of their responsible aluminium sourcing, production, and usage practices. This can also help your bottom line as buyers are happy to pay anywhere between two to ten per cent more for products from businesses that are honest and open about their packaging materials, Harvard Business Review revealed. 

In fact, over 60 per cent of CoC-certified businesses chose to get their certification as it was specifically requested by suppliers and/or customers, while almost 70 per cent did so in order to effectively implement sustainable sourcing practices. CoC-certification is therefore an effective way to ensure transparency throughout the aluminium chain, implement responsible and traceable practices, and provide stakeholders with accurate information to inform their purchasing and business decisions. 

ASI certification can help metal packaging manufacturers ensure sustainable practices throughout each step of the aluminium value chain and ultimately help them better meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders and customers. 

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