Aluminum Association
Domestic aluminium demand shows signs of industry rebound
The Aluminum Association has released preliminary estimates showing demand for the aluminium industry in North America (US and Canada) increased 4.3% year-over-year through the first quarter of 2024.
Aluminum Association releases new decarbonisation report
A new report from environmental consulting firm ICF and the Aluminum Association highlights potential strategies to dramatically reduce carbon emissions in the North American aluminium industry by mid-century.
US and EU aluminium associations highlight need for global arrangement
The Aluminum Association and European Aluminum sent a joint letter to the US trade representative and EU executive vice president and trade commissioner, ahead of continued discussions on the Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium.
Domestic aluminium demand in North America down in Q1
The Aluminum Association has released preliminary estimates as part of its monthly Aluminum Situation statistical report, showing demand for the aluminium industry in North America (US and Canada) declining 3.5% through the first quarter of 2023.
Can Manufacturers Institute joins 2023 Asia CanTech lineup
Robert Budway, president, and Scott Breen, vice president of sustainability, at the Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), have been announced as the first keynote speakers joining Asia CanTech’s 2023 edition in Bangkok, Thailand. Alex Rivers spoke to both about their involvement in the conference
North American aluminium demand rises
The Aluminum Association has released preliminary estimates showing 6.3% year-to-date demand growth for the aluminium industry in North America through the third quarter of 2022.
Aluminum Association releases updated environmental product declarations
The Aluminum Association has released updated environmental product declarations (EPDs) that show reductions on the environmental impact of aluminium product types.
North American aluminium demand up through first half of 2022
As part of its monthly Aluminum Situation report, the Aluminum Association released preliminary estimates showing 6.6% year-to-date demand growth for the aluminium industry in North America through the first half of 2022.
Aluminum Association applauds Commerce Department’s enforcement of unfair trade orders on foil from China
On 12 July 2022, the US Department of Commerce self-initiated country-wide anti-circumvention inquiries involving imports of aluminium foil from China that are completed or finished in Thailand and South Korea.
Aluminum Association releases new white paper
The new white paper ‘Targeted Trade Enforcement in Action: Common Alloy Aluminum Sheet AD/CVD One Year Later’ – highlights progress made in the US common alloy aluminium sheet market.
US aluminium jobs and economic impact steady through Covid-19
A new US study completed by economic research firm John Dunham & Associates shows that overall employment in the domestic aluminium industry has been largely steady for most of the past decade.
Aluminum Association launches import monitoring programme
The Aluminum Association has launched a monthly report tracking key insights from the International Trade Administration’s Aluminum Import Monitoring (AIM) programme.
Domestic aluminium demand outpaces US GDP growth
The Aluminum Association released preliminary estimates as part of its monthly Aluminum Situation report showing an estimated 7.7% demand growth for the aluminium industry in North America (US and Canada) in 2021.
The Aluminum Association announces exit of president
The Aluminum Association has announced that Tom Dobbins will be leaving his position as president & CEO at the end of October.