Can Man
Sun, sea and sardines
There is a saying, one that I’ve not really subscribed to over the years, which is when you’re on holiday you’re still never truly off work. After sunning myself in the Algarve recently, I think I now understand this statement a little more.
Looking ahead
Autumn in the UK is one of my favourite times of the year. It’s time to dust off the winter garments, and wrap up warm for the winter months ahead.
A brew to a kill?
The recent news of the merger between SABMiller and Anheuser-Busch InBev was some significant news for the industry.
It’s a merry-go-round
There was some revealing news yesterday in the Ball/Rexam takeover operation, which was alerted to my attention courtesy of Reuters.
Time flies…
I’m rapidly approaching three months in the role and it’s been a hectic, but very enjoyable time nethertheless.
Tout arrive en France
We had a very productive show out in Paris for the Aerosol Forum and it was a pleasure to be able to put names to a few faces.
A hazy head
A few weeks ago I broached the subject of New Year’s resolutions and predictably, weight loss and controlling alcohol intake were at the top of the agenda.
A warm welcome
It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the new editor of CanTech International.
Obituary: Lars Emilson ‘a real can maker’
Former Rexam chief executive Lars Emilson passed away earlier this month. Emilson became chief executive of Rexam in October 2004, having joined the firm in 1999 when it acquired the European beverage packaging business PLM. He worked in the consumer packaging industry nearly his entire career, joining PLM in 1970, starting out in plastic packaging. […]
March/April 2011
Regulars: Equipment News: The latest machinery and equipment for the can line New Products: New cans and ends in the market place Candid: Evelyne Frauman, quality and environment manager, Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging (APEAL) Features: Knight’s knowledge: Jack Knight is senior international technical service manager for INX International Ink Co. He […]