Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI)
Recycling contest collects over 1.3 million beverage cans
The Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) and Scrap University Kids have announced that more than 1.3 million empty aluminium beverage cans were collected during the first Million Cans Recycling Contest.
LRS advances aluminium can recovery
EverestLabs, developer of RecycleOS, the first AI-enabled operating system for material recovery facilities (MRFs) and recyclers, has announced a partnership with LRS, the US’ fifth largest independent waste diversion, recycling and portable services provider.
Aerosol Recycling Initiative publishes white paper executive summary
The executive summary, to a white paper that will be published in May 2024, details the campaign’s initial-phase activities and data gathered to date to establish the aerosol can’s recycling story, as well as plans for the next phase.
Tim Ebner joins CMI as director of communications
Ebner will lead the Can Manufacturers Institute’s annual strategic process for all internal and external communications programmes.
Industry comments on negative injury determination on tin mill product imports
The steel industry has commended the US International Trade Commission’s unanimous vote to not impose duties on imported tin mill steel from Canada, China, Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, or the UK.
Every Can Counts launches in the US
Every Can Counts has established a US chapter to expand its growing global movement to inspire, encourage and empower more people to recycle their aluminium beverage cans.
Stronger than ever before
The 2023 edition of Asia CanTech marked the show’s biggest year yet, with record attendance and incredible feedback after a packed and diverse conference programme and, as always, valuable business conducted
CMI promotes Scott Breen
Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) president, Robert Budway, has announced the promotion of Scott Breen to senior vice president of sustainability, effective 2 January 2024.
That’s a wrap, Bangkok!
Asia CanTech has just closed its doors and the Bell Publishing team are delighted to say that this has been the biggest year in Bangkok, with record attendance, amazing feedback and most importantly, valuable business conducted!
Business news, Can & end making, Filling, Metal decorating, Product news, Sustainability
Robot funded by CMI to save more than a million aluminium beverage cans annually
The Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) is utilising an innovative financing model to fund a robot at a California material recovery facility (MRF) owned by Caglia Environmental (Caglia) that sorts single-stream recyclables.
Tinplate steel tariffs to harm American consumers and manufacturing jobs
The Consumer Brands Association has released two studies in partnership with Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC and The Juday Group, demonstrating the adverse effects that would result from implementing proposed tariffs of up to 300% on tinplate steel imports.
AMP and Crown Holdings fund additional can capture grants at recycling sortation facilities
Aluminium beverage can manufacturers Ardagh Metal Packaging (Ardagh) and Crown Holdings (Crown) are funding a new grant opportunity.
Beverage can manufacturers endorse strategy for net-zero aluminium industry
The Can Manufacturers Institute and its aluminium beverage can sector members are pursuing lower carbon aluminium production and increased aluminium beverage can recycling.
Can Manufacturers Institute joins 2023 Asia CanTech lineup
Robert Budway, president, and Scott Breen, vice president of sustainability, at the Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), have been announced as the first keynote speakers joining Asia CanTech’s 2023 edition in Bangkok, Thailand. Alex Rivers spoke to both about their involvement in the conference