Milwaukee area recycling facility receives beverage can capture grantThe aluminium can capture grant from Ardagh and Crown has been awarded to a recycling facility jointly owned by the City of Milwaukee and Waukesha County. Business news, Sustainability
Recycling facilities in North Carolina and Texas to use CMI’s can capture grantCan Manufacturers Institute’s grants will be used to install equipment that will hopefully result in more than 36 million aluminium beverage cans per year being captured that were previously missorted. Business news, Sustainability
Request for proposals released for CMI’s aluminium beverage can capture grant programmeThe Can Manufacturers Institute and The Recycling Partnership have announced requests for proposals for the aluminium beverage can capture grants sponsored by Ardagh Group and Crown Holdings. Business news, Sustainability
CMI, Ardagh and Crown offer 2021 grants for aluminium can recyclingThe grants will be made available to Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) for aluminium can capture equipment, which will ensure used beverage cans (UBC) are accurately sorted, sold and recycled. Business news, Sustainability