Crown makes continued progress toward Twentyby30 goals

Image: Crown

Crown Holdings has published its 2022 Sustainability Report to share progress against its Twentyby30 sustainability strategy and related achievements during fiscal year 2022.

Crown’s comprehensive Twentyby30 programme includes 20 measurable sustainability goals to be completed by or before the end of 2030, set against a 2019 baseline. This year’s report, titled ‘Progress in Motion,’ emphasises Crown’s continued progress in several key areas of the program, its proactive execution plan and examples of internal and external collaboration to advance toward a more sustainable future.

“The goal of our Twentyby30 programme has always been to further embed sustainability into our global business practices and make meaningful reductions to our impact on the planet within this decade,” said Tim Donahue, president, CEO & chairman of the board at Crown. “Achieving our aggressive goals requires partnership across our Company and our industry, thoughtful strategy and a willingness to continue to make progress against those goals. Our 2022 Sustainability Report shares our progress and evidences our commitment to transparency with internal and external stakeholders.”

Some of the tangible advancements the company has made toward its Twentyby30 programme goals (as of 31 December 2022) include:

Climate Action

  • Crown has achieved a 12% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions, which is 24% of the way toward the company’s goal of a 50% combined reduction by 2030.
  • 34% of Crown’s total electricity used in 2022 was generated from renewable resources. This achievement means the company is 45% of the way toward its programme goal to source 75% renewable electricity by 2030.

Resource Efficiency

  • Crown is 8% of the way toward its 2030 goal of replenishing 100% of water consumed from high scarcity risk watersheds back to those watersheds.
  • Crown signed onto the United Nation’s CEO Water Mandate, which offers a powerful avenue for companies to collaborate to address urgent water challenges related to scarcity, quality, governance and access to water and sanitation. Crown is committed to supporting collective action to replenish 1,000 watersheds.

Optimum Circularity

  • Crown has reduced the overall global average standard (12oz or 330ml) can weight by 6.44%, which is over 60% of the way toward the Company’s goal of a 10% reduction by 2030.

Working Together

  • 44% of Crown’s new recruits in their executive population were female, which was a 38% increase from 2019.

Never Compromise

  • Over 60% of Crown’s R&D efforts are focused on sustainability improvements, surpassing the stated goal of 50% by 2030.
  • By the end of 2022, Crown has assessed 75% of its core raw materials and core service suppliers by spend for compliance with Crown’s Responsible and Ethical Sourcing policy, which far exceeds its 2025 goal.

“Sustainability is top of mind for our Crown team members every day, and we are proud to be on target to meet our Twentyby30 goals and initiatives,” said John Rost, PhD, vice president, global sustainability and regulatory affairs at Crown. “Due in part to its inherent sustainability attributes, metal packaging continues to garner increased consumer demand, which fuels our efforts toward achieving our Twentyby30 goals through measurable and achievable steps forward. We are constantly inspired by the people of Crown, in all settings and in all parts of the world, who keep us moving forward on our sustainability journey, and we look forward to our continued collaboration and success.”

The report is available on the sustainability section of Crown’s website. It has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Core Standard and adheres to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The report maps Crown’s progress to indicators defined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Containers & Packaging Standard and key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The company’s climate reporting also follows the guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The 2022 report includes the company’s GRI index as well as its SASB and TCFD disclosures.

Crown’s 2022 Sustainability Report received independent assurance from Lucideon CICS Limited related to its total 2022 data for GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3 categories) and 2022 water usage data. Lucideon also provided GRI verification to the GRI Core Index, Limited Verification.

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