All’s fair in love and cans

The latest in the PPG/AkzoNobel saga this week has been particularly interesting, with the news that PPG has decided to withdraw its proposal and not pursue an offer. With a visible conflict between the company and its shareholders, it will be interesting to see how long AkzoNobel can see off careful admirers…
Let’s watch this one with interest in the coming weeks, but for now, it appears like it’s off the table. I suspect a new offer will be on the table in a matter of months, but that’s just mere speculation on my part.
After reviewing day one and two of the IMDA, here is a brief round-up of day three for our subscribers:
Highlights of day three included a very technical presentation from David Harbourne on UV applications in metal packaging. He observed how 3D inkjet printing is already being used for can decoration, with low volume speciality cans serving niche markets being very popular, which was broadly in-line with Daniel Abramowicz’ dialogue the day before.
Valspar’s Tom Mallen commented on BPA and the global transformation. He explained to the audience how there has been limited movement in Europe, with issues such as Brexit and the French presidential elections dominating media coverage. The EU commission may repeal the ban on BPA in France, but this vote has now been delayed, with no implementation expected until 2018. Other than in Japan, Asian countries are continuing to endorse the safe use of BPA containing coatings. However, globally in 2021, non-BPA adoption is expected to be at just over 40 per cent, which is almost double its current rate.
Other highlights included a presentation on Canvera from Dow Coatings and Sam Courtney from VN Graphics on metal decoration innovations and beyond. He explained how the ‘Share a Coke’ campaign was particularly innovative and a revolutionary point for the metal decorative industry. Targeting millennials may be the key to future success.
We now turn our attention towards Asia CanTech, and it’s a pleasure to be able to announce our first keynote speaker in the shape of Chen Yufei, vice-president of ORG Packaging. We hope to have a few more announcements with regards to the show in the next few weeks.
Enjoy your week.