Every Can Counts raises profile of can recycling with augmented reality game
Image credit: Every Can Counts
In a Recycle Week first, recycling initiative Every Can Counts is raising the profile of can recycling across Instagram and Facebook through the launch of its new AR filter game ‘Catch ‘Em If You Can’.
The game challenges players to catch falling drink cans in an on-screen recycling bin, using their head movements to guide the location of the recycling bin. When the game is finished, players find out how many cans they have recycled and are told what aluminium item can be produced with the number of cans collected.
Chris Latham-Warde, Every Can Counts UK programme manager, said: “We know gamers often enjoy drink cans, so this Recycle Week we’re embracing their world with the launch of our new filter game. ‘Catch ‘Em If You Can’ gives gamers and social media users the opportunity to have fun while learning about the benefits of recycling drink cans. We’ve designed the game so that it raises awareness of the wide variety of products that can be produced from recycled drink cans, whether that’s producing brand new drink cans or part of a laptop or even part of a sports car. Because metal recycles forever, the possibilities really are endless!
“We have a lot to celebrate this Recycle Week, with over 95,000 tonnes of aluminium packaging already recycled in the UK so far this year – that’s more than any other year on record! This is a fantastic achievement, and we now need to sustain these new highs and keep recycling rates moving in the right direction. Consumer awareness and behaviour change will of course play an important role in this, so at Every Can Counts we’re working harder than ever to engage people with the benefits of recycling drink cans and we’re really excited about the opportunity to reach out to people online through this new AR filter game.”
To enter the launch competition and have a chance of winning a PlayStation 5, players need to screenshot their high score and post it on social media, tagging Every Can Counts UK in their post. The filter game can be played on both Facebook and Instagram. The competition will run until midnight on Friday 16 October.
For more information, visit: everycancounts.co.uk/filter-competition.