John Hrdlick and Jim Kochanny honoured with NAPIM Awards

John Hrdlick and Jim Kochanny. Image: INX International Ink Co
INX International Ink Co president and CEO, John Hrdlick, and Jim Kochanny, senior VP/chief operating officer, were recognised by the industry with NAPIM Printing Ink Awards on 26 March at the Silverado Resort & Spa in Napa, CA. Hrdlick was honoured with the Ault Award for outstanding leadership and Kochanny received an Ink Pioneer Award.
For Hrdlick, it is a fitting tribute after lifetime involvement in the ink industry. He is retiring on 30 April after 49 years, the last five as INX’s leader. His 46-year run with the company began in 1977 as a third shift worker with Acme Printing, which was later acquired by INX’s parent company, SAKATA INX.
Throughout the years, Hrdlick was promoted many times and took on responsibilities that impacted every INX business segment – offset, metal decorating, energy cure, liquid inks and digital technologies. He also dedicated his time to various associations, including serving on the IMDPA Board of Directors and the NAPIM board. He previously was the recipient of a NAPIM Ink Pioneer Award in 2013.
On 20 April, Hrdlick is being feted by the Metro New York Printing Ink Association (MNYPIA) where he will be presented with the esteemed Anthony Mauriello Award.
“My retirement is bittersweet to some extent as five years seems like a short time in my role as president and CEO,” he said. “The past five years have been challenging considering the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and its ongoing impacts on the work force and extended supply chain disruptions. I am proud of how our employees have worked through these challenges, and after 46 years at INX and 49 years in the industry, I’m looking forward to the future. It’s time for my wife, Dawn, and I to reconnect with our family in North Carolina, especially since our seventh and eighth grandchildren are on the way.”
Kochanny has worked tirelessly throughout a career that began in 1979 as a packaging and warehouse specialist. He joined INX 14 years later, starting as the plant manager at the Mason Ave. facility in Chicago and became GM of that location and the Morse Ave. liquid facility in 1999.
Subsequent promotions over the years led him to become the Director of Liquid Operations in 2006; a senior VP and member of the INX board of directors in 2013; and offset and metal operations were added to his responsibilities in 2018. He was elevated to Senior VP/Chief Operating Officer in 2019.
Kochanny has developed a reputation for embracing new technology and his support of the NIPIRI Technical Conference and training seminars. He is also known for being able to operate all of the manufacturing equipment at INX’s production facilities. More recently, he has been involved with INX’s growth planning and worked directly with the engineering division on planning for all expansion and new facility development projects.