CANsultants closes; Packaging Design & Innovation launches

Scott Biondich

After an eight-year journey, it is reportedly with mixed emotions that Scott Biondich and John Adams announce the closing of their packaging consultancy practice, The CANsultants. Biondich and Adams have decided to embark on new adventures. Biondich will continue consulting while Adams is retiring.

They both have extended their deepest gratitude to their clients, partners and supporters who have been part of their success story.

The new year brings new beginnings and Biondich will continue offering his consultancy services as the principal of Packaging Design & Innovation LLC. Biondich’s 25+ year tenure as a technical innovator with extensive packaging development experience will aid him in packaging partnerships going forward.

Biondich has rebranded his company and has released new versions of his website and LinkedIn site.

Biondich is a metal packaging expert who has worked at Alcoa, The Coca-Cola Company and most recently as a global consultant. He supports the beverage, food, aerosol and other metal packaging industries. A partial list of consulting areas includes expert witness services, packaging development, problem resolution, technical analyses, training and specifications. Biondich’s clients are typically brand owners and packaging companies. He knows the entire metal packaging value chain, from materials like metals and coatings to can making, to filling and closing, and finally recycling.

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