Season’s greetings

Hello! As I take over as editor of CanTech International it is encouraging to learn that during the current situation, the metal packaging industry is going from strength to strength and is riding out this Covid-19 storm despite the inevitable difficulties it has faced. As recent issues of CanTech have presented, the can is ‘nature’s safe’; reassuring consumers and also revealed the remarkable environmental credentials, compared with alternative packaging, that are making it even more popular.

It is great to have the opportunity to produce valued and interesting content on an industry that continues to evolve and I’d like to hear from you with any feedback and suggestions for future issues.

I look forward to working closely with you soon and although many events have moved online, I hope to meet as many of you as possible in person next year as and when they are back in the ‘real world’.

All that remains is to say is enjoy the holidays as much as you can during the restrictions and lockdowns and for those of you who will be celebrating, have a Happy Christmas!

Bye for now,

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