Ball Aerosol Packaging launches Eyeris

Ball Aerosol Packaging claim to have found the solution to the problem of printing photo-realistic packaging designs onto aerosol cans with its new Eyeris printing technique which reportedly gives high-definition can designs without the need for digital printing.

The imagery spans 360 degrees of the can which creates different products to engage consumers and elevate brands. The technology enables detailed life-like imagery, such as leaves, flowers and landscapes, to be printed on cans, allowing brands to stand out in today’s competitive retail market.

Jason Galley, director of global innovation & business development for Ball Aerosol Packaging said: “We know the market is clamoring for inventive solutions to create standout packaging. There is such buzz in the industry for digital printing, and Eyeris provides the perfect alternative to achieve similar results on aerosol cans. This technology will transform our customers’ ability to harness the increasing power of imagery and story-telling, truly representing the next generation of aluminum aerosol printing.”

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