Can & end making


Immer Coca-Cola

The events team this week have announced that Stéphane Egret, Packaging Innovator at Coca-Cola, has confirmed his attendance at Euro CanTech in Berlin, which takes place on 4-6 April 2016.

Always Coca-Cola

Euro CanTech will stay refreshed in Berlin with the news that Stéphane Egret, Packaging Innovator at Coca-Cola, has confirmed his attendance at the show, which takes place on 4-6 April 2016.


A Candid view from Can Pack

Fresh from the news that Hindustan Tin Works’, Atit Bhatia will be joining the Candid Forum, the Euro CanTech team are also delighted to introduce Can-Pack Morocco’s operations director, Tarik Boukhris to the panel.

CanTech International