Canpack prints personalised beer cans for Tyskie

Canpack has produced 64 designs using its Quadromix printing technology for Tyskie beer cans.

In the context of social divisions and a global pandemic keeping people apart, Polish brewing group, Kompania Piwowarska, developed a campaign to bring Polish beer drinkers closer together by personalising its Tyskie cans. This was done by replacing the Tyskie name on them with a popular Polish first name and the slogan “There is more that unites, than divides us.”

Stephen McAneny, chief commercial officer at Canpack, said: “The success of Tyskie’s activation depended on being able to produce enough design variants in large quantities. Thanks to our unique Quadromix printing technology, we were able to achieve personalisation at scale – if you are a Polish beer drinker, there’s now a Tyskie with your name on it.”

Paweł Półtorak, senior brand manager, Tyskie Kompania Piwowarska, said: “Canpack’s Quadromix printing technology was the key to delivering our brand message to our consumers in a memorable and conversation-provoking way. Intense market research proves that this personalised approach resonates with our consumers.”

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