beer cans


Budweiser cans get new look

US brewer Anheuser-Busch has revealed a new design which will be seen on cans of Budweiser. The new look can will roll out of US breweries and into the hands of American beer drinkers this summer, before debuting in markets around the world later this year.


A-B’s Shock Top ale now available in cans

US brewer Anheuser-Busch has launched its Shock Top Belgian White ale in aluminium cans. Previously only available in bottles, Shock Top will now be sold in bright, eye-catching orange cans with corresponding orange pull-tabs. It will be sold nationwide in 12-packs of 12oz cans.


Cans of Coors Light to feature new cold indicator

Cans and bottles of Coors Light will feature a new design which indicates when the beer reaches the “peak of refreshment”. As part of its upcoming Super Cold Summer, brewer Miller Coors is debuting its latest cold-acticated technology: New Coors Light two-stage super cold activation, which makes it easy to see when the beer goes from cold to super cold.


Back on track

The latest statistics from BCME (Beverage Can Makers Europe) show that despite tough economic conditions last year, there was strong growth in the beverage can market in Europe. In 2010, the European beverage can market hit 54.1 billion cans, up 5.2 per cent from 2009. The UK market fared particuarly well and reached an important milestone in 2010, passing the nine billion can mark, up seven per cent on 2009.

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CanTech International