Aegler appointed CEO of Hoffmann Neopac
Mark Aegler has been appointed as the new chief executive officer of Swiss can maker Hoffmann Neopac. He has taken over from Dr Hans Jordi who has retired after 11 years heading up the company.
September/October 2010
Regulars: Equipment News: The latest machinery and equipment for the can line New Products: New cans and ends in the market place Candid: Gregor Spengler, secretary general, European Tube Manufacturers Association Features: Asia CanTech 2010 Preview: What’s coming up at the conference and meeting point for can makers and fillers in Asia Pacific No drain, […]
November/December 2009
Regulars: New Products: New cans and ends in the market place Equipment News: The latest machinery and equipment for the can line Candid: Saket Bhatia, senior vice president marketing, Hindustan Tin Works Ltd Features: Ready to Impress: Research is key to efforts at Impress to make a better can. Suzanne Christiansen visits the company’s R&D […]